Investiture Ceremony (Primary) Celebrated at Mayoor
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. - Warren G. Bennis
Mayoor School, Noida solemnised the much-awaited Investiture Ceremony of the Primary wing on August 11, 2023 with great fanfare. Ms Aarti Kothari, a renowned entrepreneur, and Mr Saarim Ahmad, an accomplished alumnus and staunch supporter of Gandhian principles, graced the occasion as the Chief Guests for the day.
The event commenced with the lighting of the traditional lamp followed by Principal, Ms Alka Awasthi’s welcome address wherein she emphasized the importance of leadership, teamwork, and responsibility in the life of students. Thereafter, accentuating the true spirit of the ceremony, the Chief Guest, in her motivational address, encouraged the young leaders to shoulder the responsibility bestowed on them with grit and tenacity.
Standing tall with pride and adorned with sashes and badges, the newly elected student council members pledged to uphold the honour of school with commitment and competence as their proud parents beheld them embark on a new journey of leadership as school leaders and ambassadors. Interspersed with vibrant cultural performances, the ceremony witnessed young leaders donning the mantle of responsibility with élan. Ishan Jain and Pranavi Dewan were appointed as the Head boy and the Head girl respectively for the academic session 2023-24 amidst cheer and excitement.
The event concluded with vote of thanks proposed by the Primary Head Mistress, Ms. Samira Menon, expressing gratitude to the Chief Guests, parents, teachers, and students for their contributions towards making the investiture ceremony a resounding success.