More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations. - Kofi Annan
Mayoor School, Noida hosted the much-awaited fifth edition of the Mayoor Model United Nations Conference on 7 August 2021 through the virtual platform. More than 296 delegates from reputed schools across India and abroad participated demonstrating their leadership and collaborative skills while deliberating on sensitive world issues. Mr Rajat Madhok, Communication Advocacy & Partnership, Chief, UNHCR presided over as the Chief Guest for this mega event.
The riveting event commenced with a befitting opening ceremony wherein Principal, Ms. Alka Awasthi extended a warm welcome to all the young delegates, guests and the school management. In her speech, she proudly announced the milestones achieved by MUN Team during the present edition and congratulated them for being recognised by the United Nations. Expounding the significance of such discourses, she reiterated that open-mindedness and teamwork are the key ingredients of success.
The Chief Guest, in his address, applauded the commendable efforts of the Mayoorians and highlighted the global issues and the need for global economic integration. Accentuating the importance of remaining abreast with international affairs, Mr. Madhok advised the students to learn life skills for dealing with real-world situations.
Hereafter, the forum was declared open by the Secretary-General, Divyansha Sachdeva and the enthusiastic delegates of all the six committees–UNGA, UNHCR, UNESCOSOC, AIPPM, WSC, IP, IPL and UNEA initiated healthy and productive debates on amazing agendas.
It is a matter of immense pride for Mayoor that the fifth edition of our Model United Nations conference got enrolled in the ongoing Refugee Challenge of UNHCR, the Refugee Agency. This attainment is second in a succession of the school’s accomplishment of being declared a certified member of the Global School Program, an initiative led by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Mr. Kiri Atri, Assistant External Relations Officer UNHCR, graced the valedictory ceremony of the MUN conference and articulated his concern on the issue, ‘Impact of Covid-19 on Global Refugees’. The invigorating conference concluded with the felicitation of the Executive Board who in their address stated that the foremost objective of MUNs is to become a part of a generation that envisages transforming the world. The best delegates in all the committees were honoured for their excellence and the best delegation trophy was bagged by Mayor World School, Jalandhar. Precisely, Mayoor MUN 2021 was a huge success enriching each participant with finer aspects of diplomacy, oratory and debating skills.
Mayoor MUN Secretariat Interacts with Mr. Rajat Madhok
With the keenly-awaited Mayoor MUN 2021 just around the corner, Mayoor School, Noida organised a thought-provoking interactive session for the Secretariat with Mr. Rajat Madhok, Communication Advocacy & Partnership, Chief, UNHCR on 4 August 2021.
The tête-à-tête provided the enthused Secretariat a better insight into global integration and developmental models of the civilized world. Mr. Madhok very candidly shared his enlightening views on a plethora of relevant topics ranging from globalisation to strengthening the economic curve and impact of Covid 19, all of which has directly impacted not only our country but the world as a whole. He opined that the way forward for India is to be more receptive to global economic integration. He also wholeheartedly appreciated the way educational institutions adapted to the new normal. This constructive discourse with Mr. Rajat Madhok was extremely educative for the Secretariat, providing them a whole new perspective in the right direction to become confident, independent leaders of tomorrow ready to take up challenges on diplomatic simulation.
Principal, Ms. Alka Awasthi, thanked Mr. Madhok for sharing his extensive expertise with the invigorated Secretariat and reiterated the need to be inquisitive and aspire to achieve their full potential.